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Showing posts from January 31, 2010

Seven Book Blogs from the Philippines

Multiculturalism Rocks! has given Asia in the Heart, World on the Mind the Over the Top! blog award. Thank you, Nathalie! :o) Here are the rules for the award: 1. Thank and post URL to the blog that gave the award. 2. Pass the award along to six brilliantly over the top blogs - blogs you love! (I am going to cheat here and give the award to seven blogs.) 3. Copy and paste this quiz . . . Change the answers (one-word answers only). The Q&A 1. Where is your cell phone? here 2. Your hair? curly 3. Your mother? Gensan 4. Your father? here 5. Your favorite food? pizza 6. Your dream last night? forgot 7. Your favorite drink? coffee 8. Your dream/goal? publisher 9. What room are you in? bedroom 10. Your hobby? blogging 11. Your fear? death 12. Where do you want to be in six years? dunno 13. Where were you last night? home 14. Something that you aren’t? bored 15. Muffins? no 16. Wish list item? books 17. Where did you grow up? Vegas 18. Last thing you did? laundry 19. What are you wearing