July 16 is National Children's Book Day in the Philippines! How will you celebrate? Please let me know! Share your celebration plans in the comments section below, or send an email to asiaintheheart@yahoo.com. Your celebration plans will be shared on the official Philippine Board on Books for Young People Facebook page and that way we can all connect and inspire one another for National Children's Book Day. :o) How will *I* be celebrating National Children's Book Day? I think the easiest, simplest, and perhaps best way to celebrate is to read Philippine children's and YA books. When was the last time you read a Philippine picture book to your child before bedtime? Have you read the latest Philippine YA novels? I have a towering, intimidating to-be-read pile of such books and I promise to read as many of them as possible for National Children's Book Day. I, of course, will be blogging about my reading experience! This blog is about Asian children's and