The National Book Development Council of Singapore and Scholastic Asia present the Scholastic Asian Book Award . The objectives of the Scholastic Asian Book Award are: * To recognize excellence in fiction in Asian stories for children * To showcase the diversity of literary talent within Asia * To encourage and inspire more Asian-themed books and stories The Scholastic Asian Book Award will be given each year to an unpublished manuscript in English (original or translation), set in Asia and targeted at children ages 6 to 12, written by a writer in Asia or of Asian origin. The award-winning manuscript will get a prize of S$10,000 and a plaque, and will be considered by Scholastic Asia for publication. The first and second runners-up will each get a plaque and be offered advice by Scholastic Asia on editing their manuscripts to submit for publication. Entries for the inaugural Scholastic Asian Book Award must be submitted by December 31, 2010 at 5 p.m., to the National Book Development